Henry's Songbook

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Flue Eyes

  • (Shel Silverstein)

    Ah see ye're a' by yersel', sittin' at the bar
    Can Ah sit doon beside ye, ma whish daughter

    Ma boyfriend, he - actually, he's jist gone tae the cludgie
    He's seven feet ta' an' he always carries an axe
    An' he's the leader o' the Auchenshuggle Hell's Angels

    Och aye -
    Well if Ah beat up yer boyfriend an' Ah take away his axe
    And Ah set fire tae his moped, an' Ah sit doon beside ye
    Will ye take a wee drink, flower

    Ah'm drinkin' double brandies and baby cham

    Och -
    Well if Ah beat up yer boyfriend an' Ah take away his axe
    And Ah set fire tae his moped, an' Ah sit doon beside ye
    An' Ah buy ye a double brandy an' a baby cham
    Can Ah run ye hame, ma whish daughter

    I live in Whig .....

    Och -
    Well if Ah beat up yer boyfriend an' Ah take away his axe
    And Ah set fire tae his moped, an' Ah buy you a double brandy an' a baby cham
    An' Ah run ye hame tae Whig
    Will ye ask me tae the door, flower

    Ya see, we really get an awfy damp close
    An' it's full o' crocodiles and alligators
    An' there's mice an' there's rats in the dunny

    Och aye -
    Well - if Ah beat up yer boyfriend an' Ah take away his axe
    And Ah set fire to his moped, an' Ah buy you a double brandy an' a baby cham
    An' Ah run ye hame tae Whig, an' Ah don't get eaten by the crocodiles an' the alligators
    Will ye ask me tae come in, ma wee flower

    Ach, it's awfy late, an' ma mammy'll be waitin' up for me
    She likely has washed the loaby floor, an' it'll a' be covered in newspapers
    An' we've got a vicious big Alligatian dog that bites strangers
    My faither, he's worried aboot no' gettin' his broo money through
    I'll have tae wash ma hair, I've got tae be up early the morrow mornin' -

    Wait - you don't really want me tae see ye hame, dae ye

    But ma mammy'll be waitin' for me

    You don't really like me, dae ye

    But ma hair's got tae be washed, it didnae get washed since last Thursday .....

    'S a' right, 's a' right, Ah know, Ah know .....

    As sung/spoken by Hamish Imlach & Iain MacKintosh

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

Quelle: USA / Scotland

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (Schwerin)

aktualisiert am 15.10.2003