Henry's Songbook

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Devolution Anthem

  • (Trad / Ian McCalman)

    Thank you for your kind endeavours
    Making Scotland fit for kings
    All the gifts that London sends us
    All the joy Westminster brings
    Hail to our country and our leaders
    Ruling with integrity
    Wish that we had voted for them
    Taking care of you and me

    Praise them for their kindly hand-outs
    Stand in line ... redundancy
    All our friends you've saved from working
    He's sold his job ... can't you see
    Early retirement, that's the plan
    A holiday that work can't buy
    From sweet sixteen until you meet
    That job creator in the sky

    Equal rights, democracy
    The Poll Tax proves it must be true
    Palaces or one-roomed slums
    We pay the same ... so God bless you
    Thank you for your time-share chalets
    And your tiny bijou bed-sit flat
    Sold to buy that Scottish island
    What, my dears, do you think of that

    Keep the soft soap gently bubbling
    Tax the whisky, oil and rain
    When at last it all runs out
    The devolution dream will come again

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  • [1990:] We are thankful for so much in Scotland. This song could have been longer ... much, much longer. Thank you! (Notes McCalmans, 'Flames On the Water')

  • [2000:] Bundesgesundheitsministerin Andrea Fischer will aus Großbritannien importiertes Rindfleisch mit einem deutlichen Warnhinweis kennzeichnen lassen. Das Fleisch könnte mit dem Schriftzug "British Beef" gestempelt werden, so die grüne Ministerin. [...] Am Freitag vergangener Woche hatte der Bundesrat mit knapper Mehrheit den Importstopp für britisches Rindfleisch aufgehoben, obwohl Verbraucherschützer vor der Gefahr einer Übertragung der Rinderseuche BSE auf den Menschen warnen. (Spiegel, 20 März)


Quelle: Scotland

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (Schwerin)

aktualisiert am 26.08.2000