Henry's Songbook

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The Coal And Albert Berry

  • Ted Edwards
  • To the coal walked Albert Berry, drill of iron in his hand
    Off to fight another battle for the people of this land

    Said the coal to Albert Berry, For forty years you've been a man
    You took away the best part of me - today I'll kill you if I can

    Albert took his drill of iron, and he drilled himself a hole
    For forty years you've tried to kill me, said Albert Berry to the coal

    Then said the coal to Albert Berry, I have scarred your back with blue
    And your lungs are black and tattered - today I'll make an end of you

    Albert took his shot and wire, pushed them deep into the hole
    Now do your worst, you black old devil, said Albert Berry to the coal

    Then said the coal to Albert Berry as he pushed the plunger deep
    I will make your wife a widow, I will make your children weep

    A cloud of dust rolled down the tunnel but Albert crouched into the hole
    Ah, so you didn't get me this time, said Albert Berry to the coal

    And Albert stepped into the tunnel but he never heard the sound
    As a ton of dirt and rubble crushed Albert Berry to the ground

    Then said the coal to Albert Berry as his blood seeped in the floor
    Men have always won the battles but I always win the war

    Then said the ghost of Albert Berry out of every bag of coal
    There will be other Albert Berrys, said Albert Berry to the coal
    Said Albert Berry to the coal

(as sung by Iain MacKintosh)

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  • english  [c.1978:] My father-in-law used to be a coalminer, and he always spoke about the coal and his work as if it was a battle between him and the coal, and I remember him once saying to me that the easiest thing to do if you were a miner and walking to your work on a nice sunny spring morning - the easiest thing to do was just to turn round, go back home and work in your garden. (Intro Iain MacKintosh)

  • english  [1987:] Learnt from Gary and Vera Aspey. (Pr. comm. Iain MacKintosh)

See also
Info on Ted Edwards

Quelle: England

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (Stelle)

28.10.1999 aktualisiert am 10.06.2010