Henry's Songbook

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All The Little Children

  • Tommy Sands
  • And we're singing of the times
    When the sun will always shine
    And armoured cars and tanks will fade away
    People will be one, and fighting will be done
    And all the little children they can play

    Little children hiding in the shadows
    Waiting for the changing of the day
    Watching for a break between the showers
    When they can go out and start to play

    I can hear you saying it's impossible
    Just look at the blood upon the road
    But I don't think that it's impossible
    For now we see that all our blood is red

    It seems that cure is better than prevention
    If not then Doctor John would have no pay
    And all the kings and queens would have no pensions
    If all the little children they could play

    I don't suppose a man will stop his struggling
    If he's lying with his back upon the ground
    It's only when every man is standing
    That peace and justice can be found

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  • deutsch [1974:] Während eines Krieges sehnt sich jedermann nach Frieden, besonders wenn er die Auswirkungen des Krieges auf die Unschuldigen und hier gerade die Kinder erkennt. In Irland wünscht man sich heute sehnlichst den Frieden, aber wie kann man von einem Menschen erwarten, daß "er zu kämpfen aufhört, solange er auf dem Rücken zu Boden liegt"? Die Bibel sagt: "Selig sind, die Frieden machen" und nicht: "Selig sind, die Frieden wünschen". Die Friedensmacher sind es, die am aufrichtigsten versuchen werden, das Unrecht zu beseitigen und die Lage so zu verändern, daß "Frieden und Gerechtigkeit gefunden werden können". (Notes Sands Family, 'The Winds Are Singing Freedom')

  • english [1989:] "Peace" is the easiest flag of all to follow, but when you take the word down from the banner and to fit it into a political context it becomes more difficult. (Notes Tommy Sands, 'Singing of the Times')

Quelle: Ireland

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© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (D-21435 Stelle)

aktualisiert am 02.04.2010, 28.10.1999