Henry's Songbook

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All Day Singing

  • (Trad)
  • All day singing, supper's on the ground
    Old folk and young folk gathering round
    All of the neighbours you'll get to see
    Oh come along Mary, come sit by me

    Some from Leicester and far away
    Come early in the morning and stay all day
    Every kind of vittle that you ever did see
    Oh come along Mary, come sit by me

    Bring your fried chicken and your chocolate cake
    Bring all of the goodies that you can bake
    Bring along your guitars, harmonica too
    Oh come along Mary, oh come along do

    Repeat 1

(as sung by The Spinners)

Susannes Folksong-Notizen

  • english  [1977:] Learnt from Joe Locker of the New Deal String Band. Leader-and-chorus song - each line is repeated by the whole group. Old American picnic song. (Notes The Spinners, 'All Day Singing')

  • deutsch  [1992:] Am wichtigsten waren [in den amerikanischen Südstaaten] Sänger: nicht die Nachbarn, die zum Picknick auf dem Lande ihre Fiedeln und Gitarren mitbrachten, wie Elvis [Presley] es zu tun pflegte, oder die in der Kirche sangen, was er ebenfalls tat, sondern die professionellen. (Greil Marcus, Mystery Train 164)

See also
All Day Singin’

Quelle: USA

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The result of the video-search [The Spinners] can deviate from the criterions.


© Sammlung : Susanne Kalweit (Kiel)
Layout : Henry Kochlin  (D-21435 Stelle)

28.10.1999, aktualisiert am 15.06.2010